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Understanding the Process
Fermenting plant-based ingredients can deliver many of the same health and palatability qualities as fermenting animal products.

Fermenting soya, coconut, almonds, or oats, for example, can provide probiotics with a smooth mouthfeel comparable to dairy yogurt. Add fruit and sweeteners and you can offer a wholesome, yet tasty snack that is free of animal products.

And today, in food research and development labs around the world – including our own – experiments are underway to develop fermented offerings from a wide variety of other plant-based products, including spreadable cheese alternatives and desserts.

The process for making plant-based fermented products varies with the raw material selected. It all starts with extracting the right base, from which you can formulate unique fermented products as well as beverages, or powders. Regardless of what each source requires, SPX FLOW infuses quality at every step of the way.

Production Agility
From an equipment standpoint, plant-based and dairy fermentation have many similarities. Heat treatment, for example, is as critical to plant-based fermented products as to fermented dairy products, providing both critical bacteriological and enzymatic control. SPX FLOW is here to help, with a comprehensive portfolio of thermal processing solutions and experience in heat-treating fermented plant-based sources.

In most cases, the other primary equipment on a production line can support both animal and plant-based processes as well. Such flexibility means that you have more market opportunities and more capability to adapt to changing market demands.

The Right Partner
We can integrate your capabilities into unique processes that consume minimal energy and carbon footprint. We are also continuously augmenting our technology to help you capitalize on emerging trends, for example, the aforementioned fermented fruit-based processing research and development now underway at our testing facilities in Silkeborg, Denmark and at ENIL University, Mamirolle France.