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Processing Novel Proteins
Perhaps the largest and most available alternative protein powder source is largely untapped. Krill, insects, algae, and microorganisms are abundant and proven to supply proteins that can support human nutrition. As vital participants in the food chain, they must be harvested responsibly, but with proper attention to such issues, it represents a significant marketing opportunity.

Most such sources contain oils, so the first step in processing them is to separate the oil from the protein and other components. And for some such sources, like krill, the oil is rich in antioxidants that can also be marketed separately into a growing market. SPX FLOW is recognized throughout the world for excellence in separation process knowhow and equipment and this knowledge applies well to separating oils from these new protein sources.

Once the oil is separated, the process of creating these is similar to plant-based protein powder processing, where SPX FLOW technology and expertise across the production come into play, including extensive spray drying expertise. And as with plant-based protein powder research, our Global Innovation and Design Centers have research underway to advance non-plant-based protein powder processing.