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  • Mobile & Stationary Hydraulics

Taste, mouthfeel, and visual appeal are important in all food and beverage processing but become even more pronounced in dessert production. The challenge is to achieve those appealing characteristics, while at the same time meeting market demands for low-fat, low-sugar and low-sodium treats.

Whether you are producing puddings, custards, jellies, ambient or non-ambient varieties of desserts, mousses or rice-in-milk type of products, SPX FLOW has the right equipment, process and experts to support our customers.  Among the dessert trends, our market watchers are following are whipped dessert or aerated desserts, desserts targeted toward specific target groups like children or working women or athletes with high protein; and ready-to-go and ready-to-eat is also a trend in the modern market. We have developed special capabilities in all of these areas.

You benefit from our deep knowledge in choosing the right raw materials, setting up the right design with the choicest of high-quality equipment right from milk or other raw material reception, standardization and mixing, thermal treatment, incubation, and fermentation, smoothing and flavor addition. So from general milk processing to desserts, SPX FLOW is your one shop stop.



Fresh Fermented Dairy Products | GB | CN

Scraping system | GB

Small scale Processing Line for Fresh Dairy Products | GB

Innovation Center, Fresh Dairy | GB


CHEASLY Technology Mamirolle France ENIL Innovation Center | CN