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  • Mobile & Stationary Hydraulics

SPX FLOW plate heat exchanger services are positioned to maximize performance, uptime and minimize process downtime. SPX FLOW leverages nearly 100 years of plate heat exchanger design expertise, to develop optimized and continuous process flow.

Custom Design Services

The process starts and ends with design; SPX FLOW constructs plate heat exchangers to meet our customer’s needs. Fabricating the optimal plate heat exchanger for a customer leads to a longer more productive product life cycle. Upon order, SPX FLOW process engineers’ and develop a heat transfer system designed for the customer.

Leakage Detection

Leakage detection is a tool employed in regular predictive audits. Utilizing the technology of the Gappscan and Testex leakage detection systems. SPX FLOW values the precision and high level of efficiency both technologies offer.



Gappscan technology offers a unique method of accomplishing extremely precise leakage detection without the need for dismantling the heat exchanger. In specific applications, involving ammonia, glycol or other hazardous media, just one circuit of the heat exchanger can be drained to perform the test. The on-site inspection takes only a short time and can be performed as part of scheduled maintenance, thus avoiding unnecessary production loss. Significantly more sensitive than other technologies, SPX FLOW Gappscan has a sensitivity below 5 microns and the pass/fail threshold is equivalent of a single 20 micron hole in the apparatus. SPX FLOW Gappscan is also an excellent means for leakage detection within double-wall plate heat exchangers as well as tubular heat exchangers. To set up a test of your plate heat exchanger simply contact your local SPX FLOW meeting. 

  • Inspection by certified SPX FLOW heat treatment equipment expert – assurance of correct calibration and inspection procedure
  • No equipment dismantling – minimum disruption
  • Fast test process – minimum downtime
  • Eco-friendly – no chemicals, gases or other media
  • Sensitivity below 5 microns and pass/fail threshold is equivalent of a single 20 micron
  • hole in the apparatus. Monitoring recommended for intermediate results
  • Rapid results – on-the-spot assessment of necessary action
  • Test certificate – including GPS equipment traceability and display of liquid contamination volume
  • ISO 9000 compliance – compatibility with your internal records
  • Full repair service available from nearest SPX FLOW location



Testex is offered as part of a LifeTimeSM Testing Services and is used to ascertain the integrity of plate heat exchanger plates. The Testex process is principally aimed at the hygienic market, where customers are particularly concerned with cross-contamination. The tests are performed at the customer’s site and can be performed in as little as four hours.APV Testex process enables the complete testing of plate heat exchangers. With the use of state-of-the-art electronic monitoring equipment, each plate pack can be analyzed and hard copy results produced along with a test certificate providing a full audit trail.

How Testex Detects Leaks When Testex was first introduced it was found that more than 30% of heat exchangers were shown to have defective plates. Regular testing enables problems to be eliminated before they develop into a major incident. Testex is a recognized method found in 3A standard T-603-07 as an accepted practice for the testing of HTST heat exchangers. 

The Testex process consists of the detection of defective plates in the plate heat exchanger through Electrolytic Differential Analysis (EDA). EDA is used to determine if cross-contamination is present. A consistent rise in the conductivity of the water indicates the presence of defective plates.

  • One side of the PHE filled with an electrolyte – usually sodium sulfate 
  • Other side filled with water Solution circulated using pumps 
  • The pressure of the electrolyte is increased to create a differential pressure of between 30 psi to 100 psi 
  • The conductivity of the water is monitored 
  • Any consistent rise in conductivity of the water when pressure is applied indicates faulty plates 
  • Testex range can pick up even the smallest crack 
  • Testing is carried out under pressure 
  • Utilizes state-of-the-art monitoring equipment
  • Identifies the occurrence of cross-contamination without the PHE being dismantle 
  • Adaptable to many models & sizes of PHEs’ 
  • Provides the customer with plant safety assurance 
  • Production conditions are simulated as closely as possible during the tests 
  • Reduces false readings and human error 
  • Plant downtime is drastically reduced. Plates & gaskets are not unduly stressed 
  • A wide variety of PHE’s can be tested, in differing environments
Genuine Spare Parts

SPX FLOW offers a complete set of genuine spare parts for SPX FLOW heat exchangers. The commodification of genuine spare parts is highly variable and customizable to fit the needs of custom-designed equipment. SPX FLOW process engineers recommend a spare parts procurement plan to customers. Depending on the operating dependence of the heat exchanger, holding a set of vital spare parts on-site could be necessary to mitigating unexpected production line downtime. 

The use of SPX FLOW genuine spare parts is critical to the optimization, longevity and integrity of purchased equipment. SPX FLOW genuine heat exchanger spare parts are precisely measured and fabricated for purchased equipment. Non-genuine spare parts that are off in measurement or tensile strength even minutely could cause lasting damage to an otherwise optimal heat exchanger.

Be prepared with OEM parts in inventory for preventative maintenance schedules.


As a heat exchanger ages, factory processes around the heat exchanger will change. SPX FLOW process engineers can expand the scope of a product through detailed upgrades. Upgrading a heat exchanger to fit the contemporary needs of a process is conducted quickly to minimize factory downtime and ensure an optimized future process.

Redesigning Services

The extensive research and development teams at SPX FLOW are consistently designing cutting edge custom process solutions. As a heat exchanger ages out, designing a new version to fit the consistently adapting needs of a production line is a capability SPX FLOW excels at. Offering personalized attention and careful craftsmanship. 


Step 1


Review customer specifications to truly understand how to meet process needs.

Step 2

Process Review

Review customer production line to align product and process goals.

Step 3

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is conducted with predictive audits. Genuine spare parts are utilized to uphold established optimal performance and efficiency.

Step 4


Equipment to fit the changing needs of a facility and keeping process renewing optimum levels.

Step 5

Equipment Redesign

Redesigning a new version to better fit the future needs of the production line.