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Spicing Things Up

18 November 2021

The holidays are upon us and it’s time for the annual feast; your meat dish takes center stage. You’ve marinated, stuffed and basted a delicious turkey, alongside seasoned veggies and potatoes. Laughter is loud and spirits are high, with hunger coming in a close second. You need these entrees to deliver, and with the right spices, they will.

The key word is “right.”

That’s where we help.

Consider all the zesty blends in your kitchen cabinet right now. Onion powder, sound familiar? Steak rub or minced garlic? The possibilities are endless. We make them a reality. But, before they reach your local grocer, our mixers were pre-designed with your tastes in mind.

Recently, a prominent seasoning company approached our mixing team, ordering several portable industrial mixers to create new spice blends within their flavor tank. We shipped them Lightnin mixers, an award-winning product that’s been around for a century, but we were soon stunned to hear our mixers were failing. The customer identified accelerated internal wear as the culprit. Given our product guarantee, we immediately sent new mixers. They, too, wore down. Something wasn’t adding up, so I went to investigate.

I quickly found their process and environment were non-conducive to how our Lightnin mixers are designed to operate. The air was humid, and thousands of miniature spices swirled around the factory all day. Many of the dust-like pieces getting absorbed into the mixer’s motor and gearbox. This wore down these parts.

To partner with our customer, we configured a tailored portable mixer solution that would sit atop the tank, limiting the seasoning residue from congesting the gearbox and motor. To do this, we asked our motor supplier to provide a flexible part we could add into our specialty design. We diverted from our standard Lightnin mixer design because we value our customers and their ‘mouth-watering’ processes. It was a success. Our spice customer quickly thanked us for optimizing uptime and output.

So, when you’re gathered around the table with family and friends this holiday season, let your feast speak for itself. And let’s just say family won’t be all your guests are grateful for this year.

Happy Holidays!




The Author

Tim Peter, Site Manufacturing Engineer

Tim Peter is the Site Manufacturing Engineer for Portable Mixers, ensuring processes are in place for efficient workflow, plant planning and non-compliance preventions.



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