While searching for process inefficiencies, plant operators and producers often overlook a key source of energy consumption: the mixing equipment itself. Mixers, unlike other capital equipment, can run for a decade or more with only scheduled maintenance so it’s often forgotten how much energy is lost to older equipment. Ultimately, a mixer’s job is to operate as designed while maintaining output and conserving energy costs. To achieve this, your mixer manufacturer must equip you with solutions that operate sustainably and efficiently with little maintenance upkeep.
There’s good news, you can have it all.
Mixer manufacturers are tailoring their products and services to address multiple production needs, emphasizing sustainability while also maximizing output and cutting costs. For example, adhesive and sealant manufacturers now have access to mixers designed specifically to handle medium- and high-viscosity compounds, high-velocity mixers used to prevent materials from spilling over on the tops of tanks and mixers designed to achieve consistent velocity along the mixing wall.
The ultimate solution combines energy efficient custom design, quality engineering, a reduction in the total cost of ownership and the amount of time spent cleaning the tank between batches.
To help ensure your next mixing equipment purchase satisfies key decision-makers within your ranks make sure your vendor can answer the following questions:
Manufacturers must focus on stabilizing output, guarding against batch-to-batch contamination, improve efficiencies and maintain profit margins — ensuring measurable return on investment. By partnering with a reputable mixing solutions provider that can design a solution specific to your needs and processes, companies can ensure that their mixing equipment meets the needs of all parties: engineers, plant operators and procurement departments — most importantly, customers and shareholders.
Looking to partner? Let’s talk. Email me below to get started.
Todd Hutchinson is the Global Aftermarket Chief Technologist for Lightnin, Philadelphia, Plenty, Stelzer and Uutechnic mixing brands, optimizing spare parts and services across the portfolio.