ESL Infusion (SES)
Product Type:
UHT Systems / Infusion UHT
ESL Infusion (SES) systems process products with protected freshness and extended shelf life. Extended shelf life products include: milk, flavored milk, coffee cream, cream, ice cream mix, milk shake.
Infusion plant with very fast heat treatment involving pasteurization for 0.5 seconds at 264°F (129°C)
- Gentle and accurate heating in the infusion system
- Fast heating 1112°F (600°C)/sec.
- Accurate holding time
- High bacteria spore kill rate
- Superior product quality - low chemical change, pasteurized milk flavor
- Shelf life up to 45 days
- High product flexibility
- Low fouling rate
- Long operating time between CIP
- Operator-friendly
- Pre-assembled and factory tested
- As option designed according to ASME, PMO, 3-A
Thermal Processing Technology ID-6751
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